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Music in classic way

Music in classic way

Here is a new opportunity to enjoy Majorca if you’re keen on classical music! Why would someone get intimidated about that? It’s good to keep an open mind and enrich the culture, by doing as much and variated things as possible. Contemporary music is good and popular but nothing compares to classic one. Majorca hosts lot of festivals but few are dedicated to classical music as Deià International ...
Simply Arabic – a cultural approach from nowadays’ perspective

Simply Arabic – a cultural approach from nowadays’ perspective

Persisting in my daily describing of Palma’s iconic buildings, today I am going to present you a new beautiful place, that’s just next to the royal palace of the Almudaina (linking with yesterday’s article): the “Hort del Rei” - "orchard of the king". This place is made of small gardens that in the past were also royal property and included fruit trees, vegetables, medicinal plants and ornamental ...
My Mallorca Trips